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Peanut Butter and Pickle FTW

Peanut Butter and Pickle FTW

I’m getting ready to make pickles, so I go through the pantry to see what I have left by way of jars. Sometimes, I’ll decide something is too old to keep and dump the contents just to have the jar. Today, I found just one jar of garlic dills remaining from...
Roadtrip Essentials:  Advice from a Survivor

Roadtrip Essentials: Advice from a Survivor

When I was a child, getting into the car every summer is something we just did. With six of us and family across the country, summer vacation was all about visiting family, and not so much about traveling. In spite of our recent Irish road trip, It’s not...
Family Zumba

Family Zumba

One of my cousins’ wife teaches Zumba and led a few willing victims in a full hour class. This was my first Zumba experience, and the first time I’ve tried any group dance-laden exercise since Jazzercise in the 80’s. Remember Jazzercise?...
Family Reunion

Family Reunion

About a year ago, I got an email from my aunt about this summer’s family reunion. I immediately looked up the Tamaracks Campground at Lake Seeley and picked out what looked to be like an appropriate sized cabin for our family and booked it. Turns out to be a...

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