Whole Foods Tonic Water
By the time I was home, I was ready to do a google search on Tonic Water. It turns out that a few years ago, the FDA decided to take Quinine tablets off the market for treating leg cramps. People have resorted to drinking Tonic Water for leg cramps at night as a natural treatment of the condition. The FDA, however, had removed it as a treatment after it was proven that Quinine can be quite trigger a rare but extremely serious blood disorder that can be fatal.
So, there’s a possible why. I had already formulated a short story on the way home about why the woman might be purchasing 18 cans of Tonic water and nothing else. Actually, two or three different rationales brought up two or three different little plots. After reading that the quinine in Tonic Water could also cause similar effects to the tablet form, I came up with another murder mystery plot to add to my growing collection of food related murder mystery ideas. I’d like to eventually bring them all together as either a short story collection or flesh out into a series of mystery novels. Here’s another to add to the growing pile.
I’m not sure I’m completely comfortable with your hobby of collecting interesting ways to kill spouses.
Bill seems a little overly sensitive about the whole “Laurie’s hobby is thinking about ways to murder the spouse” thing, doesn’t he? I think you’re on to something, though, with the shopper at Whole Foods. I first thought, hmm, if the goal is murder, would I pay the extra dime for organic? YES! Because it throws people off the trail.
Oh, hey, I like that thought on organics. Makes for a great defense.