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Tofu Conundrum Solved

Tofu Conundrum Solved

One of our favorite Chinese dishes has been something called “Dried Tofu with Pork,” and another dish our now defunct restaurant called “Delicate Chicken.” This latter was code that the waitress used mostly for just us as the dish was only...

Another Blog You Would Enjoy

Every once in a while, I just want to point you to the list of blogs over to the right. I don’t put TONS of links up there, but I usually put up links to blogs and sites I don’t want to forget or lose track of. This blog is written by my friend Claire who...
Ultimate Mom!

Ultimate Mom!

No, this is not one of those blogs where I talk about my awesome mothering skills. Remember the term “Soccer Mom?” It has come into standard usage, and the image of a mom driving her kids to soccer practice and games in a mini-van is pretty much what pops...
Tofu Conundrum Solved

Something is Seriously Whacked

Okay. I know people get into the game. I don’t get it. I can see maybe watching it on television and as an excuse to hang out for a day of free-for-all chip and beer drinking. I saw someone post something on facebook about the superbowl coming up, and I thought,...

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