The Current GLBTQ YA BrooHaHa

It started on Monday when a blog titled “Authors Say Agents Try to “Straighten” Gay Characters in YA.” (To unpack the acronyms…YA is “Young Adult” and the other is “Gay, Lesbian,Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer”) Basically,...

I Am Writer–Hear Me Roar

Okay, go ahead and groan out loud. My mind is sort of mushy today due to the fact I spent most of it in a semi-comatose state with my arms wrapped around my sick son. There’s a lot of guilty pleasure in this. I mean, who really wants their child to be sick? Not...
Not Just Electronic

Not Just Electronic

Before we left, I purchased a four pack of Moleskines, the now ubiquitous writer’s friend. I discovered their supple bindings, their stay open lined pages, and their generally pleasing aesthetics years ago. I’ve often carried one of the smaller varieties...
Tonic Water; Clever Little Poison

Tonic Water; Clever Little Poison

I was leaving Whole Foods today when I noticed a woman pushing a cart with just three six packs of Whole Foods Tonic water. I have to admit the bright purple packaging is sort of festive, but I doubt that the purchase was motivated by the color. As I pondered the...