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Another lovely diversion...Thanksgiving!

Gah. Only four more days of NaNoWriMo. I know the hubby is looking forward to not hearing me say, “I need to do my wordcount.” The kids are looking forward to me paying some attention to them. I know the youngest is tired of me saying, “No, I’m writing. Play by yourself” or, “Ask your sister to do something with you.” It’s not my fault that it snowed on Monday and knocked out school for Tuesday and Wednesday leaving us all at home, together.

This blog post is a complete procrastination bit on my part. While the few hundred words I post here are not something I can count toward my daily total, I’m simply and overtly avoiding writing on my NaNo project. The one is going along smoothly and is above the wordcount for the day. It’s easy to revert to writing a hot and steamy sex scene just to make the count for the day. Add that to a plot that actually make sense and is developing into a “real story” makes that one rather easy to write. (Maybe one day I’ll share the details more openly.)

This lovely graphic shows days in red where I posted no wordcount to the NaNoWriMo site. The yellow is where I posted some word count, and the green where I did the minimum wordcount or managed to get caught up to the “recommended” number. (And, for some reason, I can’t get the link to align to the right, so it looks sort of funky.)

My literary fiction piece is flailing. The topic sounded like it had merit. The idea has something to it, yet, I’m just not finding it. The NaNo month gives me ample opportunity to explore various scenarios and to see what works. I’m thinking that it also helps me see where a dud is a dud. After all, not every story I have is going to become a fully fleshed novel. At this point, I can see re-writing the NaNo project as a really fine short story. It’s just not…enough…to make a full novel out of. At least, I don’t think it is. I’m going to finish the word count just because I need to, but at this point it is painful going.

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