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We’re in New York while Emma attends a “string camp.” Maybe it would be more accurate to say “THE string camp.” The list of instructors looks like a who’s-who of the violin and fiddle world.

(sorry for the link, but the iPhone app for wordpress makes some things tricky)

Unlike any summer camp I’ve ever attended, this one is sans cabins, annoying ‘counselors’ and 2:00 raiding. Instead we are ‘roughing’ it in a corner suite of the Empire hotel. I blogged about our first day yesterday, but the iPhone appears to have eaten my post.

Lat night’s 9:00 orientation was a reminder of the night-time life musicians tend to lead. Even with our West-Coast head start Emma and I were yawning all three hundred feet back to the hotel. The camp sessions are during the day, but the jam sessions continue until Midnight.

The evening concerts are each night from 7:00 to 10:00 and are open to the public. The first hour are student performances and the last couple are teacher performances–including Mark O’Connor’s local quartet.

It’s going to be a very intensely musical week!

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