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The other night, we hosted our (9th?) annual dessert and charades party to benefit Three Cedars Waldorf School. The photo shows the majority of the dishes,but the mousse is not really visible in this picture. I served individual portions in small glasses with miniature spoons. It’s decidedly and deceptively rich.

Lots of people were asking for the recipe, so here it is:
Put avocados in the food processor and process until creamy.
Add for each avocado used:
2-3 Tbsp. fine cocoa powder
1/8 Cup Coconut Milk (optional)
1-3 Tbsp. Liquid Sweetener like Agave Nectar (I used honey the other night)
1/2 tsp vanilla
optional flavorings (orange peel, orange oil, mint, liquors)

Process until smooth. The variable numbers are indicated for two reasons. One is that not all avocados are exactly the same size. The second is that individual tastes vary. Use a spoon (actually a new one for each taste, please) to taste as you add ingredients and make changes until it suits what you want!

I made a fairly dark, dense chocolate mousse using the upper limits on the cocoa powder while keeping it bittersweet to minimize the use of sweeteners. I used honey to accommodate a specific request, but I think agave might actually taste a little better. This makes a lovely ganache filling for cakes as well as a standard spoonable mousse. I’ve even made a vegan, gluten-free cake filled with a vegan whipped cream and this as the frosting that pleased the ENTIRE family. Not an easy task in my house.

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