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May Day!

Changing Traditions

It used to be that we’d fly down to Reno to visit my mom and dad for Easter. After my dad died and she moved to Carson City, we started visiting her there. We usually lucked out in that my children’s spring break lined up well with my niece’s spring...
Heya, Bobby.

Heya, Bobby.

Okay, so I don’t actually say “Heya” on the phone, but that’s the tone of my voice, when I say, “Hello, Bobby.” And while I don’t actually say, “And, I’m going to call you every single day until you finally figure...


I’m the first to admit to having scorned NIMBYism in the past. When fueled by self-centeredness and a lack of any nod to “the common good” I find it more than a little unpalatable. It’s taken me a while to admit that I have a full-blown case of...

Another Blog You Would Enjoy

Every once in a while, I just want to point you to the list of blogs over to the right. I don’t put TONS of links up there, but I usually put up links to blogs and sites I don’t want to forget or lose track of. This blog is written by my friend Claire who...

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