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Why Writers Love Conferences  (or why this writer does, anyway)

All Clean and Ready to Sew

My last post was all about getting rid of stash. I mentioned that every surface was covered and the picture to the left shows you the before picture of one side of the room. It had clearly ended up being the default place to toss anything with no clearly defined place...
Why Writers Love Conferences  (or why this writer does, anyway)

Letting Go of the Stash

A few years ago I was lucky enough to have Hulda Emilsdottir come over and help me organize my house. She’s probably the queen of the world when it comes to organizing things and getting rid of stuff. At the time, she said something that I sort of brushed aside...
A 3-D World is Enough For Me

A 3-D World is Enough For Me

I went to the movies for the first time in a while last week to see the last Harry Potter release. I’m one of those people who go so infrequently that I enjoy sitting through the previews as I don’t get them anywhere else. We have no cable and no broadcast...

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