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Vegan(ish) Chocolate Mousse

Vegan(ish) Chocolate Mousse

The other night, we hosted our (9th?) annual dessert and charades party to benefit Three Cedars Waldorf School. The photo shows the majority of the dishes,but the mousse is not really visible in this picture. I served individual portions in small glasses with...

Poem In Your Pocket Day

Today is Poem in Your Pocket Day.  Hmmm…as I write this post, I realize I am not wearing clothing with pockets.  I might have to fix that, or short of doing laundry, use my bra as a substitute.  Heck, I think I’ll post a poem here and carry it on my iphone...
Uhm…Is this really a road?

Uhm…Is this really a road?

I’m sitting alone in the dining room of a quaint Vermont B&B at a table with a coffee next to my ipad. Emma is asleep upstairs in our yellow and flower wallpapered room. Actually, I hope she’s up and getting dressed because the smells emenating from...
A Quick Dinner

A Quick Dinner

When I started dinner tonight, I walked into the kitchen trying to think through what I had in the fridge and the cupboard to make. The thunderous rainstorm was enough to deter me from driving to the store or taking people out to dinner. I had an idea of a quick soup...
Vegan(ish) Chocolate Mousse

Why I’m Supporting A Kickstarter Project

I haven’t had much reason to mention this, but one little known fact about me is that I almost have a technical certificate training in clothing design and tailoring. I say almost because the vocational sewing program at Lake Washington Technical College just...

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