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It’s Quince Time

It’s Quince Time

I blogged about quinces last year, but this noble and much ignored fruit deserves a yearly mention. There simply is nothing else that smells like quince. It has been described as a mixture of apple and pear with overtones of honey, and that is probably as close as you...


I celebrated a birthday recently, and my hubby got me this shiny Fagor Pressure cooker. (Okay, so it’s a different kind of “shiny” than some ladies like to get, but I did ask for this!) We’ve all heard stories about exploding pressure cookers...
Running Off to Join the Circus?  Yes, yes I am!

Running Off to Join the Circus? Yes, yes I am!

Anyone who knows me or has read this blog knows I have a little bit of a “thing” for food. Obsession might be going overboard, but not by far. The family was out for brunch last week at The Harvest Vine, and we noticed the flyer for the Kitchen Circus up...
Adaptive Jelly Making Techniques

Adaptive Jelly Making Techniques

The blackberries along our fence are plentiful and ripe. My in-laws asked me if I would be willing to make blackberry jelly if they picked the blackberries. Given that the jelly making is the easy part of the process I agreed and they picked. After getting the berries...
A New Favorite Salad

A New Favorite Salad

Here’s another winner I had to share. It’s from Madhur Jaffrey’s “World Vegetarian.” We’ve made about 30% of the recipes in the book, and I have yet to find any real bombs. Some need a little tweaking, but that’s true for just...

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